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Manure Management

Use Cadman Manure Equipment to Convert Manure into Profit.

M - Reels

Apply manure without the compaction of tankers or the hassle of soft drag hose.

Manure Booms

The Cadman Manure Boom System is a simple and economical way to spread liquid manure. It can be used with either hard hose or soft hose systems. With a unique hydraulic splash plate system, the operator can raise or lower the plates to easily achieve the desired width and overlap in the center. All liquid components are galvanized for maximum endurance.


By using a Cadman Manure Injector, farmers have ability to place nutrients directly into the seedbed limiting the chance of spilling. This saves the user thousands of dollars on costly fertilizers.

Hose Caddies

Designed to store, transport, and  deploy hoses, Cadman's line of Caddies will help save time and money. 

"Pumping Liquid Gold" - Cadman Power

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